
The Island

Flinders Island is an incredible location for everything outdoors. Marked by untamed beauty set amid rugged rock faces, aquamarine waters and abundant flora and fauna, Flinders is a natural paradise. Here we have curated a selection of trails for you to explore while you are here. Run them, walk them or just toddle along and enjoy the scenery.

Here you will find descriptions and downloadable maps of the tracks, as well as rough estimates of distance and elevation. As with any adventure in Tasmania, take appropriate precautions for a variety of weather conditions. Keep safe whilst on the trails, and ensure you let someone know where you are going.

Mt Strzelecki

Mt Strzelecki

Strzelecki National Park dominates the southern end of the island, with the mighty Mount Strzelecki (727m) catching the clouds. Access to the Mt Strzelecki trailhead is via Trouser’s Point Rd, roughly 12km south of Whitemark. Hiking to the summit is approximately 6.8km return and takes roughly 4-5 hours.



Killiecrankie lies toward the northern side of the island, around 38km north of Whitemark. Come along and do a hike, have a swim or even fossick for the legendary Killiecrankie diamond! This Killicrankie loop (321m elevation) takes in Killiecrankie summit and trig point, as well as a coastal meander via the exquisite Stackpole’s Bight. This is approximately a 10.1km loop, taking around 4 hours.

Photo credit: Paul Hoelen Photography



Haulands is an epic trail through the heart of the Darling Range Conservation Area. An undulating fire trail set amidst the backdrop of Walkers and Strzelecki. This is approximately a 12.6km one-way track with around 247m elevation. Access either via Memana Road, roughly 7km northeast of Whitemark, or Mann’s road, roughly 13km southeast of Whitemark.

Photo credit: Paul Hoelen Photography

Castle Rock

Castle Rock

Take a coastal stroll from Allports to Castle Rock. This beach trail meanders through coastal heath and along stunning beaches to the unmissable Castle rock. Access is via Port Davies Rd, roughly 17km north of Whitemark. This is roughly a 5.7km walk, with around 50m of elevation, taking around 1.5 hours return.

Photo credit: Paul Hoelen Photography

Banner photo credit: Paul Hoelen Photography